What to Know When Buying Travel Insurance for Thailand

Travel insurance is one of the most important things you can buy for your trip to Thailand. It may seem like a hassle, but if something goes wrong on your holiday (or even worse – before you leave), it’s well worth having. From arranging medical transfers and cover for accidents, to covering the cost of stolen or broken belongings, travel insurance really is a must-have. However, with so many different policies on the market and so many new players in this field, it can be hard to know which policy is right for you and whether they’re reputable providers. As a fellow traveler myself, I’ve compiled some tips that will help you choose the right policy for your trip to Thailand:

There are many different types of travel insurance.

When you buy travel insurance, it’s important to know that you are entering into a contract with the insurance provider. That means that if your claim is valid, they will pay for it; however, they won’t pay out any claims that aren’t covered by the policy. This can be confusing if you’re not familiar with how travel insurance works.

Let’s say you’re planning on doing some diving in Thailand and want to make sure that your family can come along with you. You think about buying travel insurance but aren’t sure whether or not it’ll cover them because they didn’t plan on going diving when they bought their tickets. If they decide to go scuba diving while they’re there and get injured while doing so, then all of those medical bills will come out of your pocket as well as any costs associated with getting home early or staying longer because someone got hurt.

The best way around this problem is by asking about what’s covered before purchasing your plan—and being sure that all of your friends know about these things so no one is surprised after taking their first swim in turquoise waters!

Do your research before you buy your policy and choose a reputable provider.

Before you buy your policy, it is important that you do your homework and make sure that the provider is legitimate.

You should check the provider’s website for product and service information. You can also read customer reviews to see what other people have to say about them. It will be particularly useful if you can find some reviews from other travelers who have used this company in the past.

Another good way of checking a travel insurance company is by looking at any awards they may have won, such as being named one of the best providers in their industry at an event like Travel Weekly’s Travel Insurance Awards 2019 ceremony or winning something similar like Best Single Trip Cover at Moneywise Magazine’s Travel Insurance Awards 2019 ceremony. The award ceremony where this took place was held on Tuesday 30 April 2019 so there might not be many winners announced yet but if there are some listed on their website then this shows that they are reputable enough to win such recognitions while others may not even appear at all!

If possible then try calling up these companies directly before submitting anything online just so that everything is clear from both sides firsthand — although obviously don’t forget that even if someone answers “yes” over email/phone doesn’t mean they’ll always stick with those terms later down line…

Make sure your policy covers the wide range of options you need for Thailand, including scuba diving and other activities.

Make sure your policy covers the wide range of options you need for Thailand, including scuba diving and other activities. Many travel insurance policies are limited to a small number of activities such as golfing or horseback riding. Your policy should include outdoor adventures like scuba diving, rock climbing, motorcycling and bungee jumping.

Compare prices using one of the travel insurance comparison websites, such as Mister Prakan.

  • Compare prices using one of the travel insurance comparison websites, such as Mister Prakan.
  • Ensure that the company you choose is authorized by the Financial Conduct Authority and regulated by the FCA. You can check this on the FCA website.
  • Ensure that you are purchasing your policy from a member of the Association of British Insurers, who will ensure that your policy meets their standards.

Look for an annual policy rather than a single trip policy.

  • Annual policies are cheaper. If you’re heading to Thailand more than once a year, an annual policy will be better value for money.
  • You can get coverage for multiple trips in a year. If you’re planning several trips over the course of 12 months, it makes sense to opt for an annual policy rather than buying individual policies for each trip (which would cost more).
  • You can buy cover for longer periods and activities. If time is not on your side or if you have other reasons why you cannot afford to take out multiple single trip policies in quick succession, then taking out one single annual travel insurance plan may be the best option for you. In addition to offering greater flexibility and convenience as well as saving time and effort on applying every few months or years, many providers also offer discounted rates if customers purchase their policies online rather than having them mailed by post directly from their offices – so check these out before making any decisions!

Find out if your credit card offers cover, but don’t assume that it does. Contact your credit card provider to check before booking a holiday with them.

You should also find out if your credit card offers cover, but don’t assume that it does. Contact your credit card provider to check before booking a holiday with them.

Credit card insurance policies are usually only for theft, loss or damage and won’t pay out for medical treatment or cancellation costs. Check with your credit card provider if you want to make a claim for any reason other than theft, loss, or damage.

Write down the claims contact number before you go and keep it somewhere safe, such as in a phone on your person at all times or in a waterproof bag by your side when swimming or bathing.

Make sure the phone on which you store the contact number is in a waterproof case or at least kept in a ziplock bag with other items that are waterproof. This could be your phone in a pocket or purse, or it could be an extra smartphone that is kept by your side while swimming or bathing.

Don’t rely solely on this method to keep yourself safe—call the number anyway! Check-in every day to make sure everything’s okay and report any issues as soon as possible.

Check what activities and sports are covered by your policy, particularly those that might be inherently dangerous in Thailand, like scuba diving or high-speed motorized sports.

  • Check what activities and sports are covered by your policy, particularly those that might be inherently dangerous in Thailand, like scuba diving or high-speed motorized sports.
  • If you’re traveling to a country with a different climate than your own, check the policy covers extremes of weather.
  • Make sure any pre-existing medical conditions you have (including mental health issues) are covered by the travel insurance policy.

Be specific about the items you want to be reimbursed for on your travel insurance claim if they’re stolen or lost so that genuine items aren’t mistaken for fakes. For example, say “brand new GoPro branded camera” rather than just “camera”.

  • Be specific about the items you want to be reimbursed for on your travel insurance claim if they’re stolen or lost so that genuine items aren’t mistaken for fakes. For example, say “brand new GoPro branded camera” rather than just “camera”.
  • Check what is covered by your travel insurance policy before you make a claim. If something isn’t covered, then it won’t be paid out in the event of theft or loss – even if you are found not guilty of making a false claim.
  • Do your research and shop around. When buying travel insurance, everything from the coverage options to price can vary widely between providers – so make sure you’re comparing apples with apples when choosing a policy.


It’s important that when you’re shopping for insurance, you look at the details and make sure that you’re getting exactly what you need. Remember, travel insurance in Thailand can be more expensive than in some other countries, so it’s worth checking out a comparison site like Mister Prakan to get the best deal. You should also make sure your policy covers all of your activities and not just basic coverages like medical and luggage loss.

Be aware of whether or not you have pre-existing medical conditions which may affect claims on your insurance policy before booking holidays overseas with us! For example: if someone has diabetes they may not be able to claim compensation under the terms of their insurer because this condition would mean they had a higher likelihood (or risk) of needing treatment while away from home due to its severity – just one possible scenario where we could help out… So please contact us today for more information about how we can assist with providing comprehensive coverage options at affordable rates 🙂

Compare Insurance Providers in Thailand

About Jill Nelson

Jill first came to Thailand 20 years ago as a medical tourist to receive treatment for breast cancer. After four more visits, she decided to make Thailand her home and now enjoys reading and occasionally writing blogs during her retirement with her husband in Chiang Mai.

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