COVID Insurance

COVID-19 Guide for Ex-Pats in Thailand

COVID-19 Guide for Ex-Pats in Thailand

The coronavirus pandemic has placed everyone on alert worldwide. People are taking better care of their health and becoming more careful when it comes to personal hygiene.

For ex-pats and foreigners living in Thailand, the COVID situation has created some uncertainty. While following the local news can provide good updates about the coronavirus across the country, the information is not always reliable.

COVID Insurance for Thailand - Latest Requirements & Updates

COVID Insurance Thailand: Latest Requirements & Updates

The emergence of the coronavirus pandemic at the beginning of 2020 shook the tourism industry to its core. Travel was either halted or heavily disrupted worldwide, with Thailand one of the first countries to completely close its international borders. Regardless, Thailand is slowly, but steadily, reopening its doors to international travelers in 2021 in an attempt to revive the tourism industry and help the thousands of locals affected by the lack of arrivals into the country.